Bright Green Gaijin Pants

I'm in Japan! How now, brown cow?

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Evil Genius

Evil Genius is the latest game I've picked up. I think it's made by the same people who made Dungeon Keeper 2. In Evil Genius you play a Bond-style evil genius whose goal is world domination. You recruit henchmen and minions, then use them them to steal things like money, priceless treasures, and technology. You also use them to bring crime lords under your influence and otherwise wreak havoc on the world. As you become more infamous, secret agents are sent against you, so you have to build traps and jail cells and interrogation devices.

The game has an excellent sense of humor. I highly recommend it to everyone.

最後の勝ったゲームはEvil Geniusです。Dungeon Keeper 2が作った会社はこのゲームを作りました。Evil Geniusで世界制覇の目的があるボンドがたのじゃあくのきさいです。こぶんとミニオンをリクルートして、こぶんとミニオンをリクルートをお金や重宝や テクを盗み出しに行かせます。こぶんとミニオンをリクルートはやくざをみかたにならせるとかせかいにさんがいをします。あくみょうたかいになるとともにま わしものはアジとに来るから、わなとひとやと審問のせつびを作らなくちゃいけません。



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