Bright Green Gaijin Pants

I'm in Japan! How now, brown cow?

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Iroirona Iro

Which is to say, "various colors."

You know how a bright orange pair of pants stands out like on a bright orange pair of pants can? That's even more true in Japan. The Japanese tend to wear dark and pastel colors. When they do wear something bright, they have one bright article of clothing. I don't have many clothes with me that aren't bright. Interesting to note.

The school festival is next weekend. On Sunday, the sadoubu is performing the tea ceremony for the other students. Sensei is looking for a kimono I can borrow so that I can participate. ^^ I really want my own kimono, though.

I've watched the first three episodes of 24's first season in Japanese. I'm starting with first season 'cause it's been a while and 'cause I already know the story, so I can do homework at the same time and still know what's going on. They did an excellent job finding voice actors for the dub. They did especially well with Palmer; the guy they found has a voice so much like that of the American actor that I honestly had a fleeting moment of wondering if the American actor didn't know Japanese. They did change some things for culture, though. The following short dialogue in episode one of the American version:

Kim: Good night, Dad.
Jack: I love you.


Kim: Oyasumi (g'night).
Jack: Oyasumi.

Not a big change, but I noticed it.

Yesterday evening, some of my friends from sadoubu and I had dinner at Mika's place. Mika made yakisoba and a Japanese egg soup; I made grilled cheese sandwiches. They went fairly well together -- meaning they didn't clash. My intestines weren't very happy this morning, though. Speaking of this morning, I got up late, and when I went to 7-11, they didn't have much in the way of breads (cleaned out by the lunch crowd :'( ), so I had tuna nigiri instead.


Yakisoba: 4
Noodles, spices and cabbage. Yarr!

Japanese Egg and Onion Soup: 5
I like eggs, onion, and soup. Haha!

7-11 (Blue-Labeled) Tuna Nigiri: 5
Tasty tuna goodness. With rice and seaweed. Warm. Yummy.

Bad news: for some reason, my last credit card payment before leaving the country didn't make it through from my bank account before I liquidated it. I now owe like 175 dollars for my next credit card payment. >< Curses! I found out this afternoon when I went to the Bank of America web site to change my address and stuff.

Realizations of the Period

1) I stand out. A lot.
2) It's already been like three weeks since I left. :'( I'm gonna have to leave waaaaay too soon.
3) Reading is one of the best ways to learn a language. I'm already starting to be able to infer the meanings of words from their contexts. Yahoo!


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