Bright Green Gaijin Pants

I'm in Japan! How now, brown cow?

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The Roof is on Fire... And so is My Internet!

I have internet again! I have stepped onto the yellow brick road that will eventually lead me back to Vana'diel, and which is such a nice place to browse in at all hours of the day besides. Hurrah!

Got up this morning knowing the guys who set up internet are supposed to show up sometime today. I don't think we ever established a set time during phone conversations, so I got to sit at home until it happened, then go shopping for Shannon and Greg in the evening. Figured I'd do a combination of homework, reading D&D material, and playing video games during the waiting portion of the day, and I started with D&D material.

Some of the D&D stuff I have on my computer is new classes and prestige classes, some is web enhancements, and some is old books from first and second edition that you can't really buy anymore. This includes the old Monstrous Compendium. I hadn't looked at the file before today, but I'm glad I finally got around to it. It was really awesome to find the Agony Beetle (an encounter I remember well from childhood, but that's another story) listed. I also looked at the old entry for the Owlbear and compared it to the current Monster Manual's version. The game statistics are very different, but some of the informational stuff is taken almost word-for-word. That was both cool and saddening; it turns out that there's a lot more information in the old Monstrous Compendium about the habitat and temperament of creatures than in the Monster Manual.

So the internet setup guy came along about the time that I was starting to work on homework. It didn't take very long, but I discovered that the setup software disk I had received before won't work with my computer -- the operating system language differences were a hurdle the CD couldn't handle. So the guy showed me how to set up an internet connection that has nothing to do with a network (I've never had to set one up before). And now, I have internet.

I spent most of the day taking advantage of the internet to finally make some ruddy headway on the current Neopets plot. >< On to Useless Crystal III, now! I also filled out some postcards, and in the evening I went to the bookstore to do some shopping. Got some stuff for Nacilik. I was gonna get stuff for Shannon, too, but I realized quickly that I had to carry stuff home and had forgotten to bring my bookbag. I had my umbrella with me, and Nacilik's books were heavy, so... I'll go back for stuff for Shannon tomorrow. *rolls eyes* Shannon is so easy to shop for, and 200 dollars of random shopping money will go along way, I think, especially when I get to dishes. As Mugendai pointed out to me, there are a LOT of Japanese-y looking dishes at the 100 yen shops.

Realizations of the Period

1) You can use a 10,000 yen note just about anywhere. The guy who came to my door today to collect on last month's gas bill for like 500 yen easily had change in his bag. It's kinda crazy.
2) The network cable that hooks me to the internet doesn't stretch to my futon. I now need a place to sit that isn't my futon.
3) I'm gonna have so much fun shopping for Shannon, and I'm not gonna tell her what I'm getting her. Hahahahah! With new year coming up, there's lots of great stuff for her. ^^


At 11/11/2005 02:20:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about Ash...

At 11/12/2005 11:42:00 PM, Blogger Lena said...

Ash didn't pay 200 dollars on my credit card because it was easier than sending me 200 dollars to spend on him...


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