Bright Green Gaijin Pants

I'm in Japan! How now, brown cow?

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Work, Work, Work

The end of the semester approaches, and we have lost one DA. He's come down with diabetes, and is no longer in school, much less working. At first it just seemed like he had a cold, but he got sicker with time. Then, one day, he came over to Nerland to ask one of the other DA's to take his shift and collapsed while he was in the middle of asking. He spent almost 20 hours on a couch in the lounge, and then he went to the hospital and was told he has diabetes. We are not getting a new DA before semester ends, so we all get to cover the extra shifts. More hours means more money, but we don't get overtime pay -- just extra pay at the same rate. Is that legal?

The same thing in Japanese:

今 学期は終わっていきますが、DAの一人が止めました。とうにょうびょうで病気になってしまいましたし、学校と仕事をやめてしまいました。初めにかぜをひ いているようだったけど、週間とともにもっと病気になりました。ある日、ナーランドに他のDAにこうたいをまかせてもらえないと聞きにきたけど、聞きなが らついえました。ロビーにソファーでほとんど20時間いました。それから、病院でとうにょうびょうで病気だと言わせました。今学期の終わりまで新しいDA をもらいませんし、みんあにかれこうたいをまかせまっています。もっとこうたいの意味はもっとお金だけど、ぎんきょうてあてをもらえません。こうていきゅ うだけです。いほうこういじゃないの?

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Teacher Swap

My Japanese teacher has fallen ill. Two Friday mornings ago, a notice was posted announcing a two-week break from my language class. That same afternoon I got a call from Matsuno-sensei, one of the other Japanese teachers, saying that it looks like Youko-sensei will be out for the rest of the semester. He had called to ask me where the language class was at in the textbook so he could inform a new teacher where to start from.

The new teacher for the language class is Nagai-sensei. We had him last semester, so we already know how he runs class. Unfortunately, this feels like a step backwards. Youko-sensei has been expecting us to learn the grammar and vocabulary on our own this semester so that we could focus on our vocal proficiency in class. Everyone has improved so much under her teaching. Nagai-sensei has returned to the old way of teaching, but he is trying to add more vocal emphasis to the class. We shall see how it goes.

On the other hand, Matsuno-sensei has taken over the culture class. It looks like he will be running the class more like the announcments said it would be.

The same thing in Japanese:

私の日本語の先生は病気になってしまいました。二金曜日前に、二週間の休みのお知らせははりだっています。あの日の昼に、他の日本語の教師のまつの先生は 私を電話かけまして、洋子先生は今学期にもう教えないらしいだと言いました。まつの先生が電話かけるの目的は「きょうかしょでどっちのきょうあんを勉強し ている」ときいて、新しい先生を教えられます。

新しいの言葉の教師はながい先生です。先学期、ながい先生もこの授業を教えましたので、私達はながい先生の教え方をもう知っています。残念なことに、いっ ぽがりみたいです。洋子先生の授業には、学生が一人で文法と単語を習いことになっていました。それから、授業でペラペラになっていきます。洋子先生のおか げで、みんあもっとペラペラになりました。ながい先生はふろい教え方で教えますけど、今もっとオーラルアプローチでします。しかたがない。


Friday, April 08, 2005

Not Mine, Really

My Friend Ash's Latest Blog

The latest entry in my friend's blog. I thought it was amusing, but that may be a direct result of me knowing him and his family very well.

The same thing in Japanese :


Thursday, April 07, 2005

Carmen / Arcades

UAF's performances of the opera Carmen are finished. The soloists were fantastic, we of the chorus didn't do too badly, and I have time to do homework again. I didn't really like Carmen at first, but now that I've spend so much time on it I've fallen in love with it.

I was reading my latest Nintendo Power magazine today, and thought that Japanese arcades are so much cooler than our own. Dance Dance Revolution, Beatmania, Guitaroo Man and the like ate all Japanese. Now, Namco and Nintendo are making a sit-down, 4-player arcade version of Mariokart. The fact that it isn't coming to America made me sad until I realized that when I go to Japan I'll have full access to Japanese arcades. Huzzah!

The same thing in Japanese:


今日、最後のNintendo力の雑誌を読んでいる時、「アメリカのゲームセンターより日本のゲームセンターのほうがかっこういい」だと思っていました。 Dance Dance RevolutionやBeatmaniaやギタルマンは全部日本のゲームです。今、ナムコとNintendoはゲームセンターで4人の座ってできるス パーマリオカートのゲームを作っています。アメリカに来ないのお知らせは私をさびしくならせたが、「日本に行った時に、日本のゲームセンターにいつでもに 行ける」と思うのはうれしいです。よかった!